The Serial Killer Kidnapped the Wrong Girl; Then He Was Brainwashed

The case of Lisa McVey

Lioness Rue
6 min readDec 21, 2022
Image by haritanita — on Freepik

It was settled in Lisa’s mind.

She didn’t want to live past the age of seventeen.

Lisa clocked off from work in the early morning hours and made her way home, anticipating being finally free that night.

But she couldn’t have imagined what was going to happen next.

“I had made up my mind that night, when I came home from work, that I was going to end my life. I even sat down and wrote my suicide note out.

I left around 2:00 am.

When I got off my shift, I remember being happy, just happy. I know when I go home, I’m going to end my life. I was happy because I was going to be free.”

Lisa Cycled to Her Grandmother’s Home

On November 3rd, 1984, Lisa McVey Noland cycled to her grandmother’s home from work. It was in the wee hours of the morning.

Lisa was very excited that day.

She was going to end her life before she turned eighteen. She had her own reasons to do so.

For starters, Lisa changed from one foster home to another as she grew up.

